Environmentally & Socially Responsible Event Planning * Consulting * Staffing * Catering

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  • “You have extraordinary attention to detail. You took care of the little things (like the place setting utensil twine and the food platter you sent up to the girls’ room) that we didn’t even think about. We’d be able to tell future clients to feel confident that everything will be taken of with style, even the things they may not have thought of beforehand.” – John, on his wedding

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I want to ride my... BICYCLE

Spring is around the corner and I think its high time I fill you folks in on an initiative I've been volunteering my time with. Formerly known as the BICYCLE project, it has now evolved into a leaner and more fantastic version known as The Bicycle Commons! You can follow them directly at their website(www.thebicyclecommons.org), through facebook(www.facebook.com/BicycleCommons), and even on twitter(@bicyclecommons).

How is Simplicity involved? Well in practicing what I preach I've been involved since last fall taking on the role as volunteer coordinator for the Bicycle Clinic's we've been running out of the old Canary building. (See the November 2010 - BICYCLE post) 

Part of that initiative resulted in one of the largest public bike repair clinics in Toronto headed up by BICYCLE in collaboration with Bike Sauce, MEC, City of Toronto, Toronto Police Service, Mayor's Tower Renewal and Think First. I even managed to squeeze myself and Simplicity in there along with Cobbs Bread - Annex!

Here are the photos of that bike clinic in the heart of St. Jamestown on the lawn of the Wellesley Community Centre.

Forrest helps me sort out the Bike Repair queue
A turn out of 600 residents!
The Toronto Police Service custom fit bike helmets donated by Think First!

I like little handy maps! 
Michael from the Mayor's Tower Renewel, and I take a quick snapshot (who needs tripods and timers!)
It was a slightly chill day but a special thanks goes out to every single volunteer who showed up and helped generate the hype on the street and in the neighbourhood.  It was slightly chilly, but the stats don't lie:

600 neighbours, 80+ bikes repaired, 500 helmets, 500+ hot dogs and hamburgers, 10 repair tents. A LOT of volunteers!  It was a long chilly day for me and completely nuts being at the forefront of the reception for all the residents.  I loved every minute of it and I met and worked along side some fantastic people to make this event happen. 

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