Environmentally & Socially Responsible Event Planning * Consulting * Staffing * Catering

What our clients say about us...

  • “You have extraordinary attention to detail. You took care of the little things (like the place setting utensil twine and the food platter you sent up to the girls’ room) that we didn’t even think about. We’d be able to tell future clients to feel confident that everything will be taken of with style, even the things they may not have thought of beforehand.” – John, on his wedding

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rolo's Personal Pre-event routine

1.) Don't panic - Yes, even I after 9 years still get the "stage jitters"! Having a calm approach going into an event does wonders for ones ability to think ahead and think on your feet.
2.) Visualize the event.  Backwards and Forwards then Forward and Backwards. Consult Murphy's Laws...

3.) Meditate - A bit of calming the heart & mind never hurts

4.) Pack the trusty bottle-opener - Totems/charms are important too!

5.) Polish! - Every detail is important. Check and polish shoes, tie, dress clothes, sharpened the bottle opener. All my personal equipment must be mint condition before seeing action. 

6.) Rinse and Repeat as necessary!

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