Environmentally & Socially Responsible Event Planning * Consulting * Staffing * Catering

What our clients say about us...

  • “You have extraordinary attention to detail. You took care of the little things (like the place setting utensil twine and the food platter you sent up to the girls’ room) that we didn’t even think about. We’d be able to tell future clients to feel confident that everything will be taken of with style, even the things they may not have thought of beforehand.” – John, on his wedding

Friday, June 25, 2010

Face-to-Face Booking not Facebook

Perhaps I'm just old fashioned, but I'm pretty skeptical about new modes of communication.  At times it was great, at other times it was an utter failure in application.

I remember the times when I'd log onto mIRC and meet people.  I met some really awesome people and even got a penpal out of it from Finland.  Then I remember times when it would be just trolling and people would come up to you and automatically write "a/s/l?".  Its as if interactions between people could just be derived from simply classing them by age, sex and location. 

Then we have facebook.  To this day I tend to stay off it, since all I tend to do is collect pokes.  Nevermind calling Rolly out for a coffee or a quick bite to eat.  Just poke him.

I honestly believe that business and personal relations, establishing a connection should be face to face first, technology second.  Sure technology is great, blackberry is nifty and having an iphone is a great status symbol.  But when I see a couple facing each other at a dinner table and both have their faces buried in their Blackberry's, I'm pretty concerned.   Or when friends say "hey did you get my Facebook invite?"  (What happened to calling me?)  I find it pretty scary when I hear of the younger people I know sending text messages or Facebooking another person - "Sorry I'm breaking up with you."

Nothing beats meeting people face to face, and no text message, tweet or emoticon can replace a genuine smile or audibly hearing what their needs are, how they are, and telling them what you can do for them.  Because text can capture the honest relief in their face when you show you care and want to make their life easier. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pear Shaped

Its one of those days in business that can only be called "Pear Shaped".  When everything goes slightly wrong and back logs your entire day.  Sort of like a Florida python eating an alligator until pop! There goes the day, and the snake.

Still at very least, I'm posting on the blog again after a two month hiatus.  In that time much has happened and I'm still feeling the sting of defeat today.  Alas, I can still see the bright side, because its all about getting back up again.  Never ever give up on what you believe in and want to accomplish

Coming up soon:
- Alpha II Stouville camping update, Alpha II - Dinner Impossible, and some new clients, and a two new venues!

Its raining like a torrential downpour here, followed by wonderful humid sunlight, then back to being drenched.  Just seems like one of those days.   Oh well, it happens.  Here is a day brightening photo of me at a friends house holding their baby kitty Theo, before our venture into our own live version of "Dinner Impossible."  More on this later. 

Pear Shaped days do happen, and sometimes they resemble Theo.   Thankfully Theo's good natured about it all.  Especially being upside down.

Monday, June 14, 2010

We've moved!

So you may have noticed in our last post that Simplicity has a new address, and from that you've probably concluded that we've moved! 

This is one of the reasons why things have been so silly busy lately.  Despite a crazy turn around of packing, cataloging, purging, moving and unpacking, the move went relatively smoothly.    The very end was a royal crazy moving convoy downtown but we pulled through. (I guess event planning skills and an awesome and organized gal helps!)
Btw Jasna, did I mention you rock?  Special thanks to Gabe, Chris, Joe, Migs, Andrew & Ada!

Our new digs are really sweet and located closer to downtown.  Sadly I can no longer call myself an "Eastie" but on a domestic note.  We are no longer paying an exuberant amount in Hydro  (Don't get me started on paying for Hydro -  Especially the fact that they pass on their excess debt to consumers...)

But I digress...  our new home base is essentially practicing what we preach as it simplifies our living, expenses and ability to provide greater service. 

Now we face the challenge of purging and unpacking!

We've got mail!

Hey all,

Though we did not get an e-mail from AOL we did get mail from our favourite e-mail and apps provider - Google!  With a company motto of "Don't be evil", we at Simplicity are simply happy as a clam to get a post card from a company like Google, even if it is merely to confirm our address for Google Maps!  

You can now find on Google maps and find all the 411 you need on Simplicity to have us meet your event needs!

Thank you Google!